Events - 11.07.2023

10×6 Talent Acquisition

Organised by Paperjam + Delano Business Club

10×6 Talent Acquisition

Luxembourg for Finance is pleased to participate as a sponsor in the next 10×6 Talents Acquisition on Tuesday, 11 July at 18h30 CEST at Forum Gesseknäppchen.

Labour shortage is certainly the most burning issue of the last few years, as it affects all sectors. How to recruit?

This 10×6 event will present testimonials from 10 experts and HR managers. They will share their best practices for attracting, hunting, selecting, recruiting, and onboarding talents.

Lynn Robbroeckx, Secretary General of Luxembourg for Finance will open the event by a welcome speech.

For registrations and more details about the event, please visit the Paperjam + Delano Business Club website.