Why Luxembourg

Access to talent

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Luxembourg’s unique pool of multilingual, highly skilled talent provides the key to unlock Europe’s huge and diverse single market.

The country’s multilingual population has native fluency in French and German. Luxembourg is also among the most proficient English-speaking nations in the world.

It is not just the population that is multilingual – authorisation procedures, reporting and official communication with public administrations and regulators can all be done in English, besides German and French. Even company bylaws and articles of incorporation can be submitted in English.

A talent pool beyond borders

  • The available talent pool extends to the geographic regions around Luxembourg (Germany, France, and Belgium)
  • More than 225,000 people commute to Luxembourg every day from these neighbouring regions
  • 5 million people live within a 1-hour commute of the capital, providing a reliable source of talent

Women’s Economy Opportunity
(Network Readiness Index 2023)


of the population are foreigners, and the country is home to more than 180 nationalities
STATEC (2023)

Visit our movetolux platform providing you with tips on living and working in Luxembourg, from settling in to finding a job.

An English (& multi-lingual) business environment

  • English is the common business language (including for regulators, administrations, corporations, accountants, etc.) and the official languages are French, German, and Luxembourgish
  • The most multilingual country in Europe: average of 3.6 languages spoken by residents and 84% speak at least 2 languages, allowing Luxembourg based staff to easily communicate with clients all over the world (Eurobarometer)


productive and specialised workforce

  • Luxembourg is home to more than 180 nationalities, 47.2% of the population are non-Luxembourgers (STATEC 2023).

  • Luxembourg has a highly-skilled workforce, ranking 1st in knowledge-intensive employment in the world (INSEAD 2023).

  • 2nd highest labour productivity in the European Union (EUROSTAT 2023)

A great place to live for expats

  • Number 1 country globally for salary and job security (Expat Insider 2024)
  • 3rd wordwide in ‘expat essentials – administration’ (Expat Insider 2024)


Because of Luxembourg’s international aspect, the professional opportunities arise for everyone, regardless of the nationality.

Vittoria Faraone, Senior Associate, Allen & Overy

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